
EMCV Management Consulting GmbH
Gumpendorfer Straße 63/5
A – 1060 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 71 44 888 – 0
F: +43 1 71 44 888 – 88
E: office(at)

Managing Director: Reinhard Kalss
Registered Address : Vienna
FN 215060s, Commercial Court of Vienna, Austria
VAT ID: AT U52971805
Chamber of Commerce Vienna/Management Consultancy

Owner and responsible for the content:
Reinhard Kalss © EMCV Management Consulting GmbH

EMCV Management Consulting GmbH is liable for its own content it offers for use on this website. All content is carefully checked, expanded on a regular basis and updated. No guarantee, however, can be assumed for the completeness, correctness and currency of the content.

EMCV Management Consulting GmbH is not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be reached via hyperlinks. These are external websites, the content of which we cannot influence.

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